#!/usr/bin/env python """Auth Example. Username=john and Password=bananas (Case sensitive)""" # show python where the modules are and enable error displays import sys; sys.path.append('../'); sys.path.append('../../../') import web.error; web.error.enable() import web, web.database # Setup a database connection connection = web.database.connect( adapter="snakesql", database="webserver-auth", autoCreate=1 ) cursor = connection.cursor() # Obtain a session manager import web.session session = web.session.manager( driver='database', autoCreate=1, cursor=cursor ) if not session.load(): session.create() # Obtain Auth objects import web.auth auth = web.auth.manager( session.store('auth'), 'database', idle=20, autoCreate=1, encryption='md5', cursor=cursor ) # Authentication and Authorisation code if auth.signedInUser != None and auth.signedInUser.authorise(app='app', level=1): print web.header('text/plain'), "Authorised" else: print web.header() # Sign in however you like.. but you could use this signIn handler import web.auth.handler.signIn signInHandler = web.auth.handler.signIn.SignInHandler( manager=auth, encryption='md5' ) form = signInHandler.handle() if form: # ie there is a problem and the sign in form needs displaying print """

Please Sign In



"""%form else: # We have just signed in, but we have not authorised the user if auth.signedInUser.authorise(app='app', level=1): print "Signed in successfully" else: print "Not authorised to use this application" connection.commit() connection.close()