1.4.9 Exporting and Importing SQL

For databases that are implemented entirely in portable mode you can export the SQL needed to entirely recreate the database using the cursor.export() method.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys; sys.path.append('../../../') # show python where the modules are

import web.database
connection = web.database.connect(
    autoCreate = 1,
cursor = connection.cursor()
originalSQL = """CREATE TABLE People( LastName String PRIMARY KEY, FirstName String , Number Integer, DateOfBirth Date )
CREATE TABLE Houses( House Integer, Owner String REQUIRED FOREIGN KEY=People)
INSERT INTO People ( LastName, FirstName, Number, DateOfBirth) VALUES ('Smith', 'John', 10, '1980-01-01')
INSERT INTO People ( LastName, FirstName, Number, DateOfBirth) VALUES ('Doe', 'James', 3, '1981-12-25')
INSERT INTO Houses ( House, Owner ) VALUES (1, 'Smith')
INSERT INTO Houses ( House, Owner ) VALUES (2, 'Smith')
INSERT INTO Houses ( House, Owner ) VALUES (3, 'Doe')"""
for sql in sqls.split('\n'):
exportedSQL = cursor.export()
if exportedSQL == originalSQL:
    print "The exported SQL exaclty matches the original"
    print exportedSQL
    print "The SQL is different"
    print exportedSQL

connection.close() # Close the connection without saving changes

Note: The SQL exported from the database may not exactly match the SQL which was used to create it since there is some redundancy in SQL syntax but the effect of the SQL will be the same.

Warning: This functionality is fairly new and hasn't yet had extensive testing so please be warned there may be issues.

To import the SQL generated by the export() method you can use the following code:

exportedSQL = cursor.export()
for sql in exportedSQL.split('\n'):
    cursor.execute(sql, mode='portable')