1.11.10 Custom Cookie Handling

To understand how cookies work you may want to first read The HTTP Protocol and Cookie Handling sub section of the Background Information section of this documentation.

If you don't want to have headers sent automatically when using the create() and destroy() methods you can set the sendCookieHeaders parameter to False. In this case the header is instead appended to the response_headers attribute in the form of a tuple (type, info) where type is the header type eg Set-Cookie and info is the header information.

To send the headers you can use sendCookieHeaders() to send all the headers. Once the headers are sent they are appended to the response_headers attribute for debugging purposes.

Alternatively you can retrieve the last header and turn it back into a usual HTTP header using this code:

cookieHeader = "%s: %s"%manager.response_headers[-1]

If you want to build your own cookie headers you can use setCookieString(maxAge) and deleteCookieString() which return HTTP headers as strings suitable for printing directly.

Finally, cookies are read from the HTTP_COOKIE environmental variable. If you wish to provide your own environment dictionary instead of the default (if for example you are using a WSGI application) you can read a cookie like this:

sessionID = manager.cookieSessionID(environ=environ)

See the API documentation for more information.