The Database Object

The Database object is used primarily as a container for Table objects. The function reference is shown below:

class Database( [,name=None])

name is an arbitrary name for the database used by the str() and repr() funcitons. If not specified name is set to the class name for the database.

addTable( table)
Adds the table object table to the database

init( cursor)
Initialise the database by associating it with the web.database cursor specified bt cursor. Once the database is initialised you can't add or change the table definitions.

createTables( )
Create all the necessary tables

dropTables( [ignoreErrors=False])
Remove all tables defined in the database. If ignoreErrors is True don't raise an Exception if the table doesn't already exist.

tablesExist( )
Return True if all the tables exist, False otherwise.

table( name)
Return the table object for the table named name

__getitem__( name)
Return the table object for the table named name

keys( )
Return a tuple containing the names of the tables in the database

values( )
Return a tuple containing the web.database.object.Table objects for each of the tables in the database

items( )
Return a tuple containing 2-tuples of (key, value) pairs where the key is the table name and the value is the web.database.object.Table object.

dict( [tables=False], [rows=False])
Return all the tables a dictionary indexed by the table names. If tables is True then each table object in the dictionary if also made into a dictionary of key: Row pairs. If rows is True then each Row object of each table is made into a dictionary of column name : value pairs, except for single, multiple and related joins columns, since this could result in circular references.

has_key( key)
Returns True if the database has a table table, False otherwise

output( [width=80])
Return a string representation of the database and tables in the form of a table. If width is 0 then no wrapping is done. Otherwise the table is wrapped to width characters. See the web.util.table() documentation for more information.

The underlying web.database cursor.

The name of the database specified by the name parameter of the constructor. Used by the str() and repr() funcitons.

Table objects can be obtained from a Database object by treating the Database object as a dictionary of Table objects referenced by their names.

For example, if a Database object named database has tables named Person and Address you would access the Person table with database['Person'] and the Address table with database['Address'].

>>> database['Person']
<web.database.object.Table 'Person'>

The Database object also provides a setup() method which can be used to setup fields if you want to create your own custom Database object.

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