How It Works

Each QueryBuilder object returns a number of Query objects. These Query objects have most of there operators overloaded so that they return correctly encoded strings when compared to values or otherQuery objects. Unfortunately it is not possible to use and, or or not operators so instead the Query objects use &, | or ~ instead.

It is actually possible to write your where clauses as SQL if you are using an SQL driver. Changing the first line of our from where = query.firstName == "John" to where = 'Person.firstName="John"' we have:

>>> where = 'Person.firstName="John"'
>>> rows = database['Person'].select(where=where)
>>> print rows
{'Smith': <Row firstName="John", surname="Smith">}

and we get the same result. In fact the code column.firstName == 'John' from the first example actually returns the SQL encoded string ('Person.firstName="John"') so the two approaches are the same.

There are two advantages of using the QueryBuilder approach rather than writing your own where clauses as strings:

  1. The QueryBuilder automatiacally handles any data conversion. This is pretty trivial in the example above as the string "John" requires on conversion but if you are doing a query on a date it would be a little more complicated. Using the QueryBuilder takes care of it for you.
  2. If a new driver was written for the web.database.object module it may require where clauses in a different format from SQL strings. If you write your code using a QueryBuilder you can avoid this complication.

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