Supported Databases

The currently supported databases include:

Supported through the MySQLdb module which is included with the web modules. MySQL is the reference database for the Web Modules and so support is very good.
Stores database in local text files.
All ODBC databases including MS Access are supported through the mx.ODBC driver available from http://www.egenix.com/. You will first need to indtall the mx.BASE package.

Warning: The mx.ODBC and mx.BASE pacakages are NOT distributed with the Web modules because they are not released under have an open source licence.

Other databases with varying levels of support:

The driver has been implemented but is not fully complient with the Web Modules specification because Gadfly doesn't support ALTER or NULLs. If you set any columns to NULL, Gadfly may not raise an Exception and this can lead to unpredictable results. It also has a limited subset of SQL 92 features. It is strongly reccomended you only use this module if you really know what you are doing.
Support is planned but the authour has no access to a Postgres database so cannot yet write the wrapper.

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