#!/usr/bin/env python "Test program to send mail to recipients." import sys sys.path.append('../') import web.mail testAddr = raw_input('Email address to recieve tests: ') if raw_input('Run the 6 SMTP tests: [y/n] ') == 'y': smtp = raw_input('SMTP server address: ') print "Running SMTP Test...." counter = 1 for blind in [True, False]: for to in [testAddr, [testAddr], [testAddr,testAddr]]: web.mail.send ( msg="Hello User!\n\nBlind: " + str(blind), to=to, reply=web.mail.buildReply('web.mail Test',testAddr), subject="SMTP Test "+ str(counter), smtp=smtp, blind=blind, method='smtp' ) print "Sent message %s."%counter counter += 1 print "Done... check your mail!\n" if raw_input('Run the 6 sendmail tests: [y/n] ') == 'y': sendmail = raw_input("Sendmail Path (usually /usr/lib/sendmail): ") print "Running SMTP Test...." counter = 1 for blind in [True, False]: for to in [testAddr, [testAddr], [testAddr,testAddr]]: lemon.mail ( msg="Hello User!\n\nBlind: " + str(blind), to=to, reply=web.mail.buildReply('web.mail Test',testAddr), subject="Sendmail Test "+ str(counter), sendmail=sendmail, blind=blind, method='sendmail' ) print "Sent message %s."%counter counter += 1 print "Done... check your mail!"