1.7.2 Form Objects

Form objects have the following class structure and methods:

class Form( [name='form'][, action=''][, method='get'][, stickyData=][, enctype=''][, populate=None][, includeName=None])

valid( )
tries to vaildate each field. If any of them contain invalid values returns False otherwise returns True

populate( form)
Populates each field from the value of form. form should be a web.cgi object.

addField( field)
Add the field object field to the form.

addAction( name)
Add a Submit button named name to the form. XXX May remove this function in future versions.

field( name)
Returns the field object named name

__getitem__( name)
Returns the field object named name

delete( name)
Remove the field named name from the form

has_key( name)
Returns True if the form has a field named name, False otherwise

values( )
Return a tuple containing the values of the form fields in the order they were added. The values of the field can be accessed from the value attribute of each item in the tuple.

keys( )
Return a tuple containing the names of the form fields in the order they were added

dict( )
Return a dictionary containing the names and values of the fields as key:value pairs

items( )
Return a tuple containing 2-tuples of (key, value) pairs where the key is the field name and the value is the field object.

html( )
Return an HTML representation of the form

hidden( )
Return the form as hidden fields

frozen( [action=None])
Return the form as HTML with the values displayed as text and hidden fields instead of the fields. If action is specified a Submit button with the value specified by action is added to the form

templateDict( )
Return the form as a dictionary suitable for use in a template.

The keys include: 'name','action','method','enctype','fields','actions' and 'stickyData'. 'fields' is the key to an array dictionarys containg field information with the keys: 'name','error','description','value' and 'html'. 'stickyData' is the stickyData as hidden fields.

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