1.10.7 Setting up a Session Environment

The session module has another function, session.setup(). This is used to setup the environment in which sessions are stored so that you can separate your session related code from the code which sets up the environment.

To use the database session driver, for example, a number of tables must be setup in the database.

Quick example to setup the sessions database using SQLite:

import sys; sys.path.append('../../../') # show python where the web modules are

import web
import web.database
import web.session

connection = web.database.connect(type='sqlite', database='example-web-session.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()

sessionSetup = web.session.setup(storage='database', cursor=cursor)
errors = sessionSetup.createTables()
if errors:
    print '\n'.join(errors)

The SessionDatabaseSetup object has the following methods:

class SessionDatabaseSetup( )
Create the necessary tables
Remove the session tables
Returns True if all the tables exist, False if any are missing

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