Chapter 19: SimpleSite Tutorial Part 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index :: single: beg; Chap 19-SimpleSite Tutorial Part 3 In this final part of the SimpleSite tutorial, you’ll add authentication and authorization facilities to SimpleSite so that only registered users can edit pages and so that only administrators can move pages or sections around or delete them. After the authentication and authorization facilities are in place, you’ll learn how to customize Pylons’ error pages so that they use the same templates as the rest of SimpleSite. At that point, you’ll learn how to package up an application and publish it on the Python Package Index. Finally, you’ll turn the whole SimpleSite project into a project template (similar to the Pylons template you are used to using to with the ``paster create --template`` command) so that other people can use it as a basis for their own projects. There’s a lot to do, so let’s get started! .. note :: There is some code in Chapters 15 and 16 related to SimpleSite that handles animating the flash message, includes some extra CSS, and handles populating the ``before`` field drop-down list with Ajax. You should add this to your project before continuing with the tutorial or download the source code for the beginning of this chapter from the Apress website. Authentication and Authorization ================================ .. index :: single: overview of; SimpleSite application In the first part of this chapter, you’ll use AuthKit to add authentication and authorization facilities to the SimpleSite project. If you haven’t already installed AuthKit, you should do so now with this command: :: $ easy_install "AuthKit>=0.4.3,<=0.4.99" Setting Up the Middleware ------------------------- .. index :: single: middleware, setting up:beg; SimpleSite application You’ll remember from Chapter 18 that the first thing you need to do to use AuthKit in a Pylons application is to set up the AuthKit authentication middleware. Edit ``config/``, and add the following import at the top of the file: :: import authkit.authenticate Then add the AuthKit middleware immediately before the ``StatusCodeRedirect`` middleware (shown here in line 9): .. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5 :: app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config['']) app = SessionMiddleware(app, config) app = CacheMiddleware(app, config) if asbool(full_stack): # Handle Python exceptions app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware']) app = authkit.authenticate.middleware(app, app_conf) # Display error documents for 401, 403, 404 status codes (and # 500 when debug is disabled) if asbool(config['debug']): app = StatusCodeRedirect(app) else: app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, [400, 401, 403, 404, 500]) .. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5000 .. note :: If you find you have a conflict with the version of Pylons you are using or if you are using a configuration with the ``full_stack`` option set to ``false``, set the AuthKit middleware up after the ``Cascade``, just before the ``make_app()`` function returns ``app``. .. index :: single: SQLAlchemy driver; AuthKit AuthKit comes with a SQLAlchemy driver that can be used to store AuthKit user information in a relational database. The driver requires slightly more configuration to integrate it into a Pylons project than the file-based ``UsersFromFile`` driver you saw in the previous chapter but is still fairly straightforward. First you’ll need to edit your ``development.ini`` file so that these lines appear at the end of the ``[app:main]`` section: :: authkit.setup.enable = true authkit.setup.method = form, cookie authkit.form.authenticate.user.type = authkit.users.sqlalchemy_driver:UsersFromDatabase = simplesite.model authkit.cookie.secret = secret string authkit.cookie.signoutpath = /signout These options tell AuthKit that you are going to be using a SQLAlchemy database to manage the users and that the SQLAlchemy model used by the rest of your Pylons application is defined in the ``simplesite.model`` module. AuthKit will expect the model to be set up in the standard way described in Chapter 7 with a ``Session`` object and the ``meta`` module present. It will add its own tables and classes to the model automatically during the first request, so you don’t need to manually change the model to use the new SQLAlchemy tables. .. index :: single: middleware, setting up:end; SimpleSite application To make it harder for someone to guess a user’s cookie, you should always set a new string for the ``authkit.cookie.secret`` option. Using the same string as the example (which is ``secret string``) isn’t very secure. Adjusting --------------------- .. index :: single:, adjusting:beg; SimpleSite application At this point, the middleware is correctly configured, but the database tables AuthKit requires don’t exist yet. You’ll need to change SimpleSite’s ```` file so that these tables are created at the same time as any other tables used by your model. First add the following import to the top of the ```` file: :: from authkit.users.sqlalchemy_driver import UsersFromDatabase Then after these lines: :: # Load the models from simplesite.model import meta meta.metadata.bind = meta.engine add these lines to add the AuthKit classes and mappers to the model: ::"Adding the AuthKit model...") users = UsersFromDatabase(model) Next you’ll need to add some users and roles to the application. After these lines: :: # Create the tables if they aren't there already meta.metadata.create_all(checkfirst=True) add these: ::"Adding roles and uses...") users.role_create("delete") users.user_create("foo", password="bar") users.user_create("admin", password="opensesame") users.user_add_role("admin", role="delete") While you are updating the ```` file, it also makes sense to add a default set of tags so that users can begin tagging pages. Although it doesn’t have anything to do with AuthKit, add these Pylons-related tags by adding these lines after the ones earlier: ::"Adding tags...") tag1 = model.Tag() = u'Pylons' meta.Session.add(tag1) tag2 = model.Tag() = u'Paste' meta.Session.add(tag2) tag3 = model.Tag() = u'Tutorial' meta.Session.add(tag3) tag4 = model.Tag() = u'Database' meta.Session.add(tag4) tag5 = model.Tag() = u'Recipe' meta.Session.add(tag5) With the changes in place, you will need to drop the database you’ve been using so far or change the config file to use a new database so that you can set up the new AuthKit tables. Re-create the database with this command: :: $ paster setup-app development.ini Running setup_config() from simplesite.websetup 22:30:49,808 INFO [simplesite.websetup] Adding the AuthKit model... ... omitted log output for brevity ... 22:30:50,076 INFO [simplesite.websetup] Successfully set up. If you are using the ``filter-with`` option in ``[app:main]`` you'll need to disable it to create the database. If all goes well and you see the ``Successfully set up`` message, you should find the new tables have been successfully created. If you use a command-line tool to inspect the database, you will notice that there are some new tables used by AuthKit, including ``users``, ``roles``, ``groups``, and ``user_roles``: :: $ sqlite3 development.db SQLite version 3.4.2 Enter ".help" for instructions sqlite> .tables comment nav pagetag section users groups page roles tag users_roles Protecting Controller Actions ----------------------------- .. index :: single:, adjusting:end; SimpleSite application Now that AuthKit is set up, let’s think about how it should be used in the SimpleSite application. Over the following sections, you’ll add functionality that allows anyone to create pages and sections but allows only signed-in users to edit or move them. Only users with the ``delete`` role should be able to delete pages or sections, edit comments, or rename tags. .. index :: single: edit() action; protecting Let’s start by ensuring only people who are signed in can edit pages. To do this, you need to add a ``ValidAuthKitUser()`` permission to the ``page`` controller’s ``edit`` action. Add the following imports at the top of the ```` controller: :: from authkit.permissions import ValidAuthKitUser from authkit.authorize.pylons_adaptors import authorize Then add an authorize decorator before the ``edit()`` action so that it looks like this: :: @authorize(ValidAuthKitUser()) def edit(self, id=None): ... Let’s start the server and see what happens: :: $ paster serve --reload development.ini If you are following along from the previous chapter, close your browser to clear any AuthKit session cookies you might still have from the previous application, and visit http://localhost:5000/. You will be able to see the front page as usual (albeit with the extra tags), but if you click the Edit Page link at the bottom, you will be shown the AuthKit sign-in page you saw in Figure 18-1. Sign in with the username ``foo`` and the password ``bar``, which were set up in the ```` file. Once you are signed in, you can then see the edit page as usual, and because AuthKit auto-matically sets a cookie, on each subsequent request you will also be able to edit pages too because AuthKit can read the cookie to find out which user is signed in. .. index :: single: save() action; protecting So far, you have protected the ``edit()`` action only, but it is the ``save()`` action that actually modifies the database, so currently a malicious user could still make changes to pages if they knew that there was a ``save()`` action. You’d better protect ``save()`` too: :: @authorize(ValidAuthKitUser()) @restrict('POST') @validate(schema=NewPageForm(), form='edit') def save(self, id=None): ... The decorators on both the ``edit()`` and ``save()`` actions use a different instance of the ``ValidAuthKitUser`` permission class, but AuthKit permission objects are designed to be used multiple times; therefore, a better way of organizing permissions is in their own module. Add a new file to the ``lib`` directory called ````, and add the following code to it: :: from authkit.permissions import ValidAuthKitUser is_valid_user = ValidAuthKitUser() In the next section, you’ll need to access the ``is_valid_user`` permission in the templates as well as the controllers, so it makes sense to import the whole ``auth`` module into the ``lib/`` so that permissions can be easily accessed via ``h.auth``, for example, as ``h.auth.is_valid_user``. Add this to the end of the helper imports: :: from simplesite.lib import auth Now you can update the ``@authorize`` decorators in the page controller to look like this: :: @authorize(h.auth.is_valid_user) .. index :: single: end; ValidAuthKitUser() permission You can also remove the import of the ``ValidAuthKitUser`` from the page controller if you like because it isn’t needed now, thanks to the addition of the permissions to the helpers module. .. index :: single: delete() action; protecting Although all signed-in users should be able to create new pages and edit existing ones, only users with the ``delete`` role should be able to delete pages. You’ll need to create a different permission object to handle this condition. Add the following line to ``lib/``: :: has_delete_role = HasAuthKitRole(['delete']) You’ll also need to add this import at the top of the file: :: from authkit.permissions import HasAuthKitRole Now edit the page controller’s ``delete()`` action so that it looks like this: :: @authorize(h.auth.has_delete_role) def delete(self, id=None): ... .. index :: single: 403 Forbidden; error documents If you try to delete a page while still being signed in as the user ``foo``, you will be shown the Pylons 403 Forbidden page because although you are signed in, you don’t have permission to access the resource, so AuthKit triggers a 403 response that the ``StatusCodeRedirect`` middleware will intercept to produce the error document (see Figure 19-1). .. figure :: 9349f1901.png :target: _images/9349f1901.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-1. The Pylons 403 Forbidden error document Figure 19-1. The Pylons 403 Forbidden error document .. index :: single: controller actions, protecting:end; SimpleSite application Now that you’ve tested the permissions as user ``foo``, close the browser, and open it again at http://localhost:5000/. This will clear the AuthKit cookie and hence sign out the user ``foo``. Now visit http://localhost:5000/page/edit/6 to edit the home page. Once again, you will be asked to sign in. This time sign in with the username ``admin`` and the password ``opensesame`` that you also set up in ````. You’ll now find you have permission to delete pages because the ``admin`` user has the ``delete`` role. Changing Templates Based on Permissions --------------------------------------- .. index :: single: changing templates based on permissions:beg; SimpleSite application single: authorized() function (AuthKit) Now that users who aren’t signed in can’t edit pages, it isn’t sensible to show them the Edit Page link. Once again, you can use AuthKit, but this time, you’ll use the ``authorized()`` function, which returns ``True`` if the user has the permission specified and ``False`` otherwise. Let’s add this function to the ``lib/`` file so that it can easily be accessed as ``h.auth.authorized()`` from the project’s templates: :: from authkit.authorize.pylons_adaptors import authorized Now you can update the ``derived/page/view.html`` template so that the Edit Page link looks like this: :: % if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.is_valid_user): | Edit Page % endif .. index :: single: changing templates based on permissions:end; SimpleSite application When a user is signed in, they will now see the Edit Page link, and when they are not, they won’t. This isn’t too easy to test yet, so let’s add some facilities for signing in and out more easily first. Signing In and Signing Out -------------------------- .. index :: single: signing in and out:beg; SimpleSite application When you added the AuthKit configuration to the config file, you specified the option ``authkit.cookie.signoutpath = /signout``. This means that when a user visits the path ``/signout``, the AuthKit cookie will be removed, and they will be signed out. Try visiting http://localhost:5000/signout now. You’ll be shown the standard Create Page screen, but when you try to browse the site again, you’ll see that you’ve been signed out by the AuthKit middleware because the URL you visited matched the value of the ``authkit.cookie.signoutpath`` option in the config file. Let’s add a new controller to the application to specifically handle signing in and signing out. Call this controller ``account`` because it could eventually be extended to handle other account functionality. Add it like this: :: $ paster controller account .. index :: single: AccountController class Edit the skeleton account controller in ``controllers/`` so that it has the following two actions: :: class AccountController(BaseController): def signin(self): if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'): # This triggers the AuthKit middleware into displaying the sign-in form abort(401) else: return render('/derived/account/signedin.html') def signout(self): # The actual removal of the AuthKit cookie occurs when the response passes # through the AuthKit middleware, we simply need to display a page # confirming the user is signed out return render('/derived/account/signedout.html') When a user is signed in, AuthKit sets the environment variable ``REMOTE_USER`` to contain the user’s username. The ``signin()`` action checks this to see whether it is present. If it isn’t, it aborts with a 401 response to trigger AuthKit to prompt the user to sign in. .. index :: single: signedin.html template Once a user is signed in, the ``signedin.html`` template is rendered. Create the ``templates/derived/account`` directory, and add the ``signedin.html`` template to it with the following content: :: <%inherit file="/base/index.html"/> <%def name="title()">Signed In <%def name="heading()">

Signed In

You are signed in as ${request.environ['REMOTE_USER']}. Sign out

.. index :: single: signedout.html template Next you’ll need to add the ``signedout.html`` template to the ``account`` directory too with the following content: :: <%inherit file="/base/index.html"/> <%def name="title()">Signed Out <%def name="heading()">

Signed Out

You have been signed out.

Now you need to modify the routes so that the path ``/signin`` points to the ``signin()`` action and the path ``signout()`` points to the ``signout()`` action. Add the following named routes immediately after the ``# CUSTOM ROUTES HERE`` line in ``config/``: :: map.connect('signout', '/signout', controller='account', action='signout') map.connect('signin', '/signin', controller='account', action='signin') Now let’s add an extra line to the header so it contains a link to the ``signin()`` action when you are not signed in and contains your username and a link to the ``signout()`` action when you are signed in. Modify the ``base/index.html`` template so that the header has the extra links. Lines 6-14 are the ones you need to change: .. highlight:: mako :linenothreshold: 5 ::
% if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.is_valid_user) and not ( request.urlvars['controller'] == 'account' and request.urlvars['action'] == 'signout'):

Signed in as ${request.environ['REMOTE_USER']}, Sign out

% else:

Sign in

% endif
${self.header()} ${self.tabs()}
.. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5000 .. index :: single: request.urlvars dictionary Because you don’t want the “Signed in as...” message on the signed-out page, you have to test the routing variables to ensure that the user isn’t on the signed-out page. The routing variables are always available as the ``request.urlvars`` dictionary, which can be useful if you haven’t explicitly added them to the template context global ``c``. Notice also that because you set up named routes for signing in and signing out in the ``config/`` file, you just need to specify the name of the route when using ``h.url_for()``, and not the routing variables as well. This is particularly handy for routes that get used a lot or for ones that don’t have any variable parts. You can also add a style so that the text appears on the right. Add this to ``public/css/main.css``: :: #hd p { text-align: right; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; } .. index :: single: signing in and out:end; SimpleSite application With these changes in place, you can test the sign-in and sign-out functionality. Figure 19-2 shows what the home page looks like when you are signed out. Notice the Sign In link in the top right and the fact the Edit Page link isn’t visible, because you are not signed in. .. figure :: 9349f1902.png :target: _images/9349f1902.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-2. The updated home page Figure 19-2. The updated home page Styling the Sign-in Screen -------------------------- .. index :: single: styling sign-in screen:beg; SimpleSite application You’ve now seen AuthKit and its user management API in action, but for a production system, you need to style the sign-in screen so that it looks like the rest of the site. AuthKit allows you to do this in two ways. The first is to provide all the HTML for the sign-in screen as a config option. In reality, though, it would be more useful if you could use the template structure you’ve set up for the rest of the pages so that if the styles in the base template were to change at some point in the future, you wouldn’t have to generate a new static version for AuthKit. Luckily, AuthKit also allows you to specify a custom function, which, when called, will generate a template dynamically. Let’s create such a function. First, create a new template in ``derived/account/signin.html`` with this content: :: <%inherit file="/base/index.html"/> <%def name="title()">Sign In <%def name="heading()">

Sign In

${h.form_start('%s', method="post")} ${h.field( "Username", h.text(name='username'), )} ${h.field( "Password", h.password(name='password'), )} ${h.field(field=h.submit(value="Sign in", name='submit'))} ${h.form_end()} AuthKit expects the username and password to be submitted as the ``username`` and ``password`` fields, respectively, and is designed to handle a POST method. AuthKit will use Python string interpolation to replace the ``%s`` string with the URL the form needs to submit to. For this to work you'll need to import ``password`` from the ``webhelpers.html.tags`` module into ``lib/``. Now let’s create a new function in ``lib/`` to render it: :: def render_signin(): return render('/derived/account/signin.html') You’ll need to add this import to the top of the file: :: from pylons.templating import render_mako as render .. index :: single: render_signin() function You can then specify in the ``development.ini`` config file that, instead of using the default template, AuthKit should call the ``render_signin()`` function you created in ``simplesite.lib.auth`` to render the ``signin.html`` page. Add this to the config options: :: authkit.form.template.obj = simplesite.lib.auth:render_signin .. caution :: One potential problem with this approach is that if the HTML returned from the template contains other ``%`` characters, then the string interpolation will fail in AuthKit. In these situations, you can put a string such as ``FORM_ACTION`` in the ``signin.html`` template and then modify the ``render_signin()`` function to escape the ``%`` characters like this: :: def render_signin(): result = render('/derived/account/signin.html') result = result.replace('%', '%%').replace('FORM_ACTION', '%s') return result Once the server has restarted, you will be able to test the new sign-in screen (see Figure 19-3), and you should find it now shares the same theme as the rest of the site. Now that you can sign in and out easily, have a go at signing in as the ``admin`` user. You’ll find you can delete pages as the ``admin`` user but not as the ``foo`` user. .. note :: .. index :: single: render_signin() function single: styling sign-in screen:end; SimpleSite application Previous versions of Pylons required a more complex version of the ``render_signin()`` function, so this works only with Pylons 0.9.7 or newer. This is because previous Pylons required the initialization of a component called Buffet before templates could be rendered, and this was not set up by the point in the middleware stack where AuthKit needed to access it to render the sign-in screen. Pylons 0.9.7 and newer replace Buffet with the simple render functions you learned about in Chapter 5 and that have been using throughout the book. .. figure :: 9349f1903.png :target: _images/9349f1903.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-3. The updated sign-in page Figure 19-3. The updated sign-in page Protecting the Rest of the Actions ---------------------------------- .. index :: single: controller actions, protecting:beg; SimpleSite application Now that the edit and delete functionality for the page controller is properly protected, you need to protect the actions in the other controllers. Table 19-1 lists the permission objects you need to add to each controller action with an ``@h.auth.authorize`` decorator. For this to work you'll need to import the`` @authorize`` decorator at the top of the ``lib/ file``. Once these permissions are added, you can continue with the tutorial. ============ ============================ ================================================== Controller Permission Actions ============ ============================ ================================================== Page ``h.auth.is_valid_user`` ``edit()``, ``save()`` Page ``h.auth.has_delete_role`` ``delete()``, ``list()`` Section ``h.auth.is_valid_user`` ``edit()``, ``save()`` Section ``h.auth.has_delete_role`` ``delete()`` Tab ``h.auth.has_delete_role`` ``delete()``, ``list()``, ``edit()``, ``save()`` Comment ``h.auth.has_delete_role`` ``delete()``, ``edit()``, ``save()`` ============ ============================ ================================================== Table 19-1. The Controller Actions and Their Associated Permissions With this setup and in line with the original requirements, anyone can now create pages and sections, but only signed-in users can edit or move them. Only users with the ``delete`` role can delete pages or sections, edit comments, or rename tags. .. index :: single: updating to protect actions; footer With this in mind, let’s update the ``page/view.html`` footer so that people are shown the links only for functionality they are entitled to use. The finished footer looks like this: :: <%def name="footer()"> ## Then add our page links

% if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.has_delete_role): All Pages | % endif New Page % if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.is_valid_user): | Edit Page % endif % if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.has_delete_role): | Delete Page % endif

## Comment links

Comments (${str(c.comment_count)}) | Add Comment

## Section links

New Section % if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.is_valid_user): | Edit Section % endif % if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.has_delete_role): | Delete Section and Index Page % endif

## Tag links

% if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.has_delete_role): All Tags | % endif Add Tag

## Include the parent footer too ${parent.footer()} .. index :: single: updating to protect actions; footer Finally, let’s update the ``base/index.html`` template’s footer so that there is always a link back to the home page available: :: <%def name="footer()">

[Home] | Top ^

.. index :: single: controller actions, protecting:end; SimpleSite application Notice the use of the explicit URL in the ``href`` attribute because you always want the link to point to the root of the site, no matter which page or section that serves. This still takes advantage of Routes’ ability to adjust URLs for you if the application is mounted at a nonroot URL. Using the AuthKit User Management API ------------------------------------- .. index :: single: User Management API:beg; SimpleSite application At this point, all the permissions are set up, but in real life you might want to add a new user to the system or perhaps change a user’s roles. You could do that by altering ```` and re-creating the database, but that would result in all your data being lost. Another solution would be to manually alter the data in the AuthKit tables using SQL, or you could even create your own interface for managing users. For the moment, though, let’s use the Pylons interactive shell. Start the interactive shell like this: :: $ paster shell development.ini AuthKit automatically adds a ``UsersFromDatabase`` instance (like the one you used in ```` as the ``users`` object) to the ``authkit.users`` key in the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary so you can easily access it from your application, your tests, or the interactive shell. The commands below show you how to give the user ``foo`` the ``delete`` role. Don't run them just yet though. :: >>> from pylons import request >>> users = request.environ['authkit.users'] >>> users.user_add_role("foo", role="delete") >>> from simplesite.model import meta >>> meta.Session.commit() .. index :: single: User Management API:end; SimpleSite application The AuthKit ``users`` object has a series of different methods for managing users, described in detail at Using this API and the Pylons interactive shell, you can manipulate the AuthKit settings directly without needing to re-create any database tables. Error Documents =============== .. index :: single: beg; error documents Now that the authentication and authorization facilities are in place, let’s pause for a moment to look at how and why Pylons generates error documents such as the 403 error document shown in Figure 19-1. In certain circumstances, your Pylons application will return a status code that isn’t 200. This might be because the URL requested doesn’t exist, because the user is not authorized to view a particular URL, or occasionally because there is a bug in your code that caused an exception. Most browsers will understand the status code and display some sort of error message so that the user knows what went wrong, but rather than relying on the browser to inform the user of the problem, it is often preferable for your application to display an error document so that the page contains the same branding as the rest of your site. .. index :: single: beg; StatusCodeRedirect middleware As you saw in Chapter 17, whenever a response with a 401, 403, 404, or 500 response is returned down the middleware chain as far as the ``StatusCodeRedirect`` middleware, it is intercepted, and a request is forwarded to your project’s error controller. The exact HTTP response status codes to be intercepted can be customized by changing the arguments to the ``StatusCodeRedirect`` middleware. The error controller itself is a special controller set up by Pylons specifically for generating error documents. .. index :: single: beg; controllers/ Your project’s ``controllers/`` will look something like this: :: import cgi import os.path from paste.urlparser import StaticURLParser from pylons import request from pylons.controllers.util import forward from pylons.middleware import error_document_template, media_path from webhelpers.html.builder import literal from simplesite.lib.base import BaseController class ErrorController(BaseController): def document(self): """Render the error document""" resp = request.environ.get('pylons.original_response') content = literal(resp.body) or cgi.escape(request.GET.get('message')) page = error_document_template % \ dict(prefix=request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''), code=cgi.escape(request.GET.get('code', str(resp.status_int))), message=content) return page def img(self, id): """Serve Pylons' stock images""" return self._serve_file(os.path.join(media_path, 'img'), id) def style(self, id): """Serve Pylons' stock stylesheets""" return self._serve_file(os.path.join(media_path, 'style'), id) def _serve_file(self, root, path): """Call Paste's FileApp (a WSGI application) to serve the file at the specified path """ static = StaticURLParser(root) request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/%s' % path return static(request.environ, self.start_response) .. index :: single: end; controllers/ single: end; StatusCodeRedirect middleware When the ``StatusCodeRedirect`` middleware forwards a request, it does so by passing the status code and status message to the ``document()`` action of the error controller by modifying the request so that it looks as if it came from a URL such as this: ``/error/document?code=404&message=Not%20Found``. It is the responsibility of the ``document()`` action to then return the HTML of the error document with the code and message provided. .. index :: single: end; error documents For the default implementation, the error document is generated from the Python string ``error_document_template`` in the ``pylons.middleware`` module, which is used to generate a response after the code, and messages have been substituted in the appropriate places. What is craftier is that to avoid having to add error document static files into your project template, the Pylons developers have added two further actions, ``img()`` and ``style()``, that both create a static file server application and serve the static files from the Pylons module directory. (They use the same ``StaticURLParser`` WSGI application that is used to serve files from your project directory.) The template then references these actions so that all the images and CSS styles that the default template use are actually served from the Pylons module directory and don’t clutter up your application. Customizing the Error Documents for SimpleSite ---------------------------------------------- .. index :: single: beg; SimpleSite application Now that you’ve seen how error documents are generated by default, let’s look at how you can customize them to change the theme for the SimpleSite application. The easiest way to do this is to simply replace ``error_document_template`` with a different string containing the HTML you want returned. The string can contain the variables ``%(prefix)s``, ``%(code)s``, and ``%(message)s``, which get substituted for the URL path where the application is mounted, the HTTP status code that was intercepted, and the default Pylons description of the HTTP status, respectively. Although this approach works perfectly well, for the SimpleSite application you’ll go one step further and use a custom template to generate the error documents. To do this, you need to modify the ``document()`` action. Update it to look like this (lines 7 and 11-13 have changed): .. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5 :: def document(self): """Render the error document""" resp = request.environ.get('pylons.original_response') code = cgi.escape(request.GET.get('code', '')) content = cgi.escape(request.GET.get('message', '')) if resp: content = literal(resp.status) code = code or cgi.escape(str(resp.status_int)) if not code: raise Exception('No status code was found') c.code = code c.message = content return render('/derived/error/document.html') .. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5000 The start of the action remains the same, but the lines in bold pass the code and message to a template rather than generating a response based on a string. Notice that you’ve also changed ``resp.body`` to ``resp.status`` because ``resp.body`` contains some HTML markup you don’t need. For the previous code to work, you need to add imports for the ``c`` global and Mako ``render()`` function at the top of the file: :: from pylons import tmpl_context as c from simplesite.lib.base import render Create the new ``derived/error/document.html`` template with the following content: :: <%inherit file="/base/index.html"/> <%def name="title()">Server Error ${c.code} <%def name="heading()">

Error ${c.code}


.. index :: single: 404 Not Found page With the changes in place, you can test the template by visiting a page that doesn’t exist such as http://localhost:5000/no/such/page. The result is shown in Figure 19-4. .. figure :: 9349f1904.png :target: _images/9349f1904.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-4. The updated error document support showing a 404 Not Found page Figure 19-4. The updated error document support showing a 404 Not Found page .. index :: single: beg; 403 error document When a user tries to access functionality they don’t have access to, they are now shown the styled 403 error document. Although this is a significant improvement over the Pylons default version, it would be even better if the user was given a customized error message explaining that they don’t have the appropriate permissions to perform the action they are trying to perform. It would also be a good idea to provide a link so they can sign in as a different user who does have the required permissions. Let’s start by customizing the template to display a custom message for the 403 status code and the link to allow the user to sign in again. Update the template so it looks like this: :: <%inherit file="/base/index.html"/> <%def name="title()">Server Error ${c.code} <%def name="heading()">

Error ${c.code}

% if c.code == '403':

You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Please sign in as a different user.

% else:


% endif When a user clicks the link, the action that gets called would need to sign them out before displaying the sign-in screen; otherwise, when they try to sign in, they will find they are still signed in as the original user. Up until now, the only method you’ve seen for signing out a user is for them to visit the URL specified in the ``authkit.cookie.signoutpath`` option in the config file; this isn’t the only method you can use, though. The AuthKit cookie plug-in you are using is an extended version of the Paste ``paste.auth.auth_tkt`` functionality and as such uses the same API for signing out users. This means the AuthKit middleware adds a sign-out function to the ``environ`` dictionary under the key ``'paste.auth_tkt.logout_user'``. If you call this function, the middleware will remove the cookie from the headers after the response is returned. Now that you know this, you can write a new action that signs the user out and displays the sign-in form: .. index :: single: beg; signinagain() action Add this action to the account controller: :: def signinagain(self): request.environ['paste.auth_tkt.logout_user']() return render('/derived/account/signin.html').replace('%s', h.url_for('signin')) Remember that the ``/derived/account/signin.html`` page isn’t a normal template. It has to be set up so that it returns a string that AuthKit can use Python string interpolation on to replace the ``%s`` character with the action. Since you are not using the template with AuthKit this time, you have to add the form action yourself. (If you are using ``FORM_ACTION`` instead of ``%s``, you’ll have to adjust the last line accordingly.) You’ll also need another route for the ``signinagain()`` action in the ``config/`` file: :: map.connect('signinagain', '/signinagain', controller='account', action='signinagain') Finally, add the import for ``h`` into the ``account`` controller: :: import simplesite.lib.helpers as h This new action is now accessible from ``/signinagain`` and presents the sign-in form with the action adjusted to point to the sign-in screen. There’s one final change to make. You’ll need to update the ``base/index.html`` template so the “Signed in as...” link isn’t shown on the sign-in again page. Make the relevant line look like this: :: % if h.auth.authorized(h.auth.is_valid_user) and not ( request.urlvars['controller'] == 'account' and request.urlvars['action'] in ['signout', 'signinagain']): .. index :: single: beg; signinagain() action If you sign in as user ``foo`` and try to access a URL such as http://localhost:5000/page/list, you will now be shown the page in Figure 19-5. Clicking the sign-in link will then take you to the sign-in again page, where you can sign in as a different user. With these changes in place, the customization of the error documents support is complete. .. figure :: 9349f1905.png :target: _images/9349f1905.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-5. The customized 403 error document Figure 19-5. The customized 403 error document Adding a WYSIWYG Interface ========================== .. index :: single: end; SimpleSite application single: beg; YUI Rich Text Editor Even with all the changes you’ve made so far, SimpleSite is still rather simple. After all, it can be used to edit only plain text, which isn’t too helpful for a website. In this section, you’ll update the edit page functionality to use the YUI Rich Text Editor, and you’ll change the page view template to allow HTML to be rendered. .. index :: single: setting up:beg; listings Let’s start by thinking about the JavaScript required to change the content text area on the edit page to use a visual editor. The editor you’ll use is the YUI Rich Text Editor and is documented at To set it up, you need to modify the ``derived/page/edit.html`` template so that the ``js()`` def looks like this: :: <%def name="js()"> ${parent.js()} ${navfields.js()} .. index :: single: setting up:end; listings Ordinarily, you would also need the ``yahoo-dom-event`` and ``connection`` libraries, but you are already using these to support the ``callAJAX()`` function used to update the ``before`` field, so you don’t need to include them again. For the previous JavaScript to work, you need some more changes. First, you need to add ``id="editor"`` to the text area used to edit the content so that the JavaScript you’ve added is applied to the correct element. Change ``derived/page/fields.html`` so the ``content`` field definition looks like this with a text area with a ``id=editor`` attribute: :: ${h.field( "Content", h.textarea(name='content', rows=7, cols=40, id='editor'), required=True, field_desc = 'The text which will make up the body of the page' )} .. index :: single: end; YUI Rich Text Editor If you were to try to edit the page now, you’d see that although you could correctly edit the text, the Rich Text Editor wouldn’t be displayed correctly. This is because you haven’t yet chosen a theme for YUI. YUI’s theming system relies on the name of the theme to be used being specified as the class of the ```` tag. The default theme is called *sam skin*, so you’ll use this one. Update the ```` tag in ``base/index.html`` so that it looks like this: :: Finally, add this def to the end of ``derived/page/edit.html``. :: <%def name="head()"> ${parent.head()} ${h.stylesheet_link(h.url_for('/yui/2.6.0/assets/skins/sam/skin.css'))} With these changes in place, try editing a page, and you should see an editor that allows you to add content such as that shown in Figure 19-6. .. figure :: 9349f1906.png :target: _images/9349f1906.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-6. Adding some HTML and an Image with the YUI Rich Text Editor Figure 19-6. Adding some HTML and an Image with the YUI Rich Text Editor .. index :: single: end; YUI Rich Text Editor If you try to use the editor to create a complex page, you’ll notice that, because you were conscientious when designing the application, your HTML content is automatically escaped when viewing pages. To prevent the HTML page’s content from being escaped, you can edit ``derived/page/view.html`` and replace this line: :: ${(} with these lines so that content is treated as an HTML literal: :: <%! from webhelpers.html import literal %>
.. index :: single: end; YUI Rich Text Editor The final problem is that since you are using the YUI ``reset.css`` styles in the SimpleSite pages, some of the styles that looked correct in the editor get reset when you view the HTML. To fix this, add the following styles to the end of the ``public/css/main.css`` file: :: #page-content strong { font-weight: bold; } #page-content em { font-style: italic; } #page-content p { margin-bottom: 20px; } #page-content ol, #page-content ul { margin: 20px 20px 20px 1em; padding-left: 20px; } #page-content ol li { list-style: decimal; } #page-content ul li { list-style: disc; } .. index :: single: end; YUI Rich Text Editor The pages will now display correctly. Configuring the File ============================= .. index :: single: overview of; SimpleSite application At this point, the SimpleSite application is pretty much finished, so it is nearly time to package it up to be distributed. Pylons comes equipped with quite a few tools to help you easily publish your application and to allow other people to easily install it and its dependencies. We’ll look at these tools in this section. Before you can publish the egg, there are a number of changes you need to make including the following: * Choosing a version number * Configuring dependencies * Specifying metadata * Customizing the production config file template Choosing a Version Number ------------------------- .. index :: single: version number, choosing:beg; SimpleSite application The first step in distributing an application is to choose a version number for the project. Ordinarily, the 1.0.0 release is considered to be the first main release of a project. You’ve made three core sets of revisions to SimpleSite in each of the three chapters, but there are still some changes you might like to make before this is an official product you’d be proud to distribute more widely (notably the lack of documentation), so it probably isn’t ready for a 1.0.0 release just yet. Let’s set the version number to 0.3.0 to reflect the fact that this is the third minor revision. The version number is set in ```` and is used by Easy Install when determining which version to install. Update the version number for the SimpleSite project like this: :: version = '0.3.0', This example uses a simple version number, but Pylons also supports development releases and alpha, beta, and prerelease versions. .. index :: single: beg; setuptools Let’s start with alpha, beta, and prerelease releases. These are treated by ``setuptools`` as being before the final version for the purposes of their use in Easy Install conditions. For example, 0.5.0a1 would be considered the first alpha release of the 0.5 version of a particular application. Similarly, 0.5.0pre2 would be the second prerelease, and 0.5.0rc3 would be the third release candidate. This means that if certain software required version 0.5 or greater, none of the releases specified so far would be suitable. For example, during the process of writing the book, I released the first version of the SimpleSite code as version 0.3.0pre1. As the book went into production, I released the 0.3.0 release, but if there are changes to Pylons before the book is released and these need corresponding changes in SimpleSite, I’d release a 0.3.1 release. Development versions are slightly more complicated but are an equally useful feature. In development mode, ``setuptools`` automatically calculates the version revision number from the revision of the Subversion repository you are currently developing the Pylons application in (if indeed you are using Subversion). By default, Pylons applications are set up to be treated as a development version, which means the ``.egg`` file produced from it will have ``dev`` as part of the version. For example, if the repository is at revision 68, then the egg produced would be labeled ``SimpleSite-0.3.0dev-r68_py2.5.egg``. If you want your release to be treated as a production release, you need to edit ``setup.cfg`` and comment out these two lines: :: [egg_info] #tag_build = dev #tag_svn_revision = true You should make this change to the SimpleSite project. .. index :: single: version number, choosing:end; SimpleSite application At this point, the project is set up to build the egg for the 0.3.0 production release so the egg produced will be named ``SimpleSite-0.3.0_py2.5.egg``, but there are still some changes you need to make. Configuring Dependencies ------------------------ .. index :: single: dependencies:beg; SimpleSite application Now that the version number has been specified, let’s update the list of libraries and other Python software the application depends on. This is done by adding the dependencies to the ``install_requires`` argument of the ``setup()`` function in your project’s ```` file. When you install software with Easy Install, the ``easy_install`` script automatically installs all the software specified in the ``install_requires`` line. The SimpleSite ```` file currently has an ``install_requires``, which looks like this: :: install_requires=[ "Pylons>=0.9.7", "SQLAlchemy>=0.4", "Mako", "FormBuild>=2.0", ], Update this information to use SQLAlchemy 0.5 and to include AuthKit 0.4.3. Here’s what the lines should look like: :: install_requires=[ "Pylons>=0.9.7,<=", "SQLAlchemy>=0.5,<=0.5.99", "Mako>=0.2.2,<=0.2.99", "FormBuild>=2.0.1,<=2.0.99", "AuthKit>=0.4.3,<=0.4.99", ], Notice that you’ve specified all the dependencies with version numbers in a particular range. Package developers should be using the convention that any software release where only the revision has changed (the revision being the very last number making up the version) will be compatible with all previous versions with the same major and minor numbers (the first and second parts of the version, respectively). This means you can be fairly confident that your application should work with more recent versions of the dependencies as long as the major and minor components of the version number haven’t changed. By specifying a range of suitable alternatives in your application, if any bug fix releases of the dependencies are made, SimpleSite can use them. It also means that if a user has a slightly different yet still compatible version of a dependency already installed, then Easy Install can use that rather than downloading a new version. .. note :: You might expect that you would be able to specify dependencies like this: :: "AuthKit>=0.4,<=0.5" .. index :: single: dependencies:end; SimpleSite application This isn’t quite what you want, though, because as has already been discussed, Easy Install would also treat other AuthKit versions including 0.5.0dev, 0.5.0a1, and 0.5.0pre2 as being lower than 0.5, and since these have a different minor version, the APIs might not be backward compatible with the 0.4 release. Instead, the convention is to use <0.4.99 on the basis that it is unlikely that there would be 99 revisions of a minor version of a piece of software. Extra Dependencies ------------------ .. index :: single: extra dependencies:beg; SimpleSite application Sometimes you might want a particular dependency installed only if a user is installing a particular feature. As an example, SimpleSite is designed to work with multiple database engines, each of which require a particular driver. Let’s focus on just MySQL and PostgreSQL, though. You wouldn’t want to list both the mysql-python and psycopg2 packages in the ``install_requires`` line as dependencies because your users would only ever need one of the drivers. On the other hand, if you left out the drivers completely, they would not be automatically installed when SimpleSite was installed. To cater for this situation, Pylons applications can use the ``setuptools`` optional extra dependency feature. Add the following to the end of the ``setup()`` function in ````: :: extras_require = { 'MySQL': ["mysql-python>=1.2"], 'PostgreSQL': ["psycopg2"], }, Each of the extras is specified as a key and a list of all the dependencies. In this case, both the extras require only one dependency to be installed. When it comes to installing SimpleSite, the extras required can be specified like this: :: $ easy_install SimpleSite[MySQL] .. index :: single: extra dependencies:end; SimpleSite application This will now automatically install the mysql-python package version 1.2 or greater, which provides the ``MySQLdb`` module that SQLAlchemy uses for its MySQL support. Extra Dependency Links ---------------------- .. index :: single: extra dependency links:beg; SimpleSite application By default, Easy Install installs software only from the Python Package Index unless you use the ``-f`` flag to specify extra URLs. If your application relies on packages hosted at different URLs, you can add them to the ``setup()`` function like this: :: dependency_links = [ "" ], Easy Install will automatically search these links when trying to resolve the dependencies. Specifying Metadata ------------------- .. index :: single: metadata, specifying:beg; SimpleSite application As well as allowing you to specify dependencies, the ``setup()`` function takes arguments for specifying metadata about your project. This metadata is used as the basis for the information on the Python Package Index. Update the ```` with the following metadata: :: setup( name='SimpleSite', version='0.3.0', description='''A simple website application written as a demonstration of Pylons for the Definitive Guide to Pylons''', author='James Gardner', author_email='', url='', long_description='''\ A simple CMS application allowing WYSIWYG page editing, sections and subsections and full navigation widgets ''', ... other options here ... ) .. index :: single: trove classifiers The ``short_description`` argument is used in the list on the home page of the Python Package Index, and the ``long_description`` argument is used in the main page for the project on the Python Package Index. In addition to the ``author``, ``author_email``, and home page ``url``, you can also specify which categories the application should be placed in. The categories are known as *trove classifiers*, and you can find a full list at Here are the classifiers for Pylons itself: :: classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Framework :: Pylons", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], .. index :: single: metadata, specifying:end; SimpleSite application In addition, it can also be useful to specify keywords related to the application and the license: :: keywords='pylons simple site book example', license='BSD, see the simplesite/public/yui/2.6.0/LICENSE.txt file for details. Customizing the Long Description -------------------------------- .. index :: single: long_description argument:beg; SimpleSite application single: beg; listings The ``long_description`` argument is used on the main page for the package and also accepts reStructuredText, which you learned about in Chapter 13. This means you can add some quite complex formatting to the long description. You can use something like this, for example: :: ++++++++++ SimpleSite ++++++++++ A simple website application allowing WYSIWYG editing, sections and subsections and full navigation widgets. The idea is that the application can form a starting point for your own website projects. Installation ============ First install Easy Install if you don't have it already by downloading ```` from and installing it like this:: python Install SimpleSite like this specifying either MySQL, SQLite or PostgreSQL as the word within the square brackets depending on the database you intend to use:: easy_install SimpleSite["MySQL"] paster make-config simplesite.ini Configure the application by editing ``simplesite.ini`` to specify a database to use using the format described at :: paster setup-app simplesite.ini paster serve simplesite.ini The running application will now be available at http://localhost/ Files ===== .. index :: single: end; listings The reason for the ``Files`` subheading at the end is that the Python Package Index specifies the files after the long description, so this formatting will result in a nicely structured page on the Python Package Index. .. index :: single: on PyPI; SimpleSite application With these changes in place, the Python Package Index page for the project will look eventually look like Figure 19-7 once the package is published. .. figure :: 9349f1907.png :target: _images/9349f1907.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-7. The SimpleSite project on the Python Package Index Figure 19-7. The SimpleSite project on the Python Package Index Customizing the Production Config File Template ----------------------------------------------- .. index :: single: long_description argument:end; SimpleSite application There is one more customization you need to make before you are ready to publish the egg itself. As you’ll see in Chapter 21 about deployment, when a user has installed your ``.egg``, they will run the application directly from a config file. To create the config file, they’ll use this command: :: $ paster make-config SimpleSite myconfig.ini .. index :: single: beg; listings The SimpleSite application requires the AuthKit configuration options to be present in the config file that the earlier command generates. To achieve this, you need to customize how Pylons generates the config file. Pylon provides a ``deployment.ini_tmpl`` file in your project’s ``config`` directory, which will be used as a basis for generating this config file, so you should update it to contain the AuthKit configuration (lines 25-31 here): .. highlight:: ini :linenothreshold: 5 :: # # SimpleSite - Pylons configuration # # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file # [DEFAULT] debug = true email_to = smtp_server = localhost error_email_from = paste@localhost [server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 5000 [app:main] use = egg:SimpleSite full_stack = true cache_dir = %(here)s/data beaker.session.key = simplesite beaker.session.secret = ${app_instance_secret} app_instance_uuid = ${app_instance_uuid} authkit.setup.enable = true authkit.setup.method = form, cookie authkit.form.authenticate.user.type = authkit.users.sqlalchemy_driver:UsersFromDatabase = simplesite.model authkit.cookie.secret = secret string authkit.cookie.signoutpath = /signout authkit.form.template.obj = simplesite.lib.auth:render_signin # If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache data dirs # for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired settings # here: #beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache #beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions # SQLAlchemy database URL sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///production.db sqlalchemy.echo = False # WARNING: *THE LINE BELOW MUST BE UNCOMMENTED ON A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT* # Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to # execute malicious code after an exception is raised. set debug = false # Logging configuration [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [formatters] keys = generic [logger_root] level = INFO handlers = console [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s .. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5000 .. index :: single: end; listings You’ll notice that this file is slightly different from the default ``development.ini`` file. In particular, it has these two extra lines: :: beaker.session.secret = ${app_instance_secret} app_instance_uuid = ${app_instance_uuid} The variables ``${app_instance_secret}`` and ``${app_instance_uuid}`` are replaced with appropriate values when the user of the application runs the ``paster make-config`` command. You’ll also notice that debugging is automatically set to ``false`` to ensure that production deployments don’t accidentally have the Pylons interactive debugger enabled. .. tip :: .. index :: single: production config file template:end; SimpleSite application Pylons 0.9.6 users will be used to using a ``paste_deploy_config.ini_tmpl`` in their project’s ``ProjectName.egg-info`` directory. The ``config/deployment.ini_tmpl`` file behaves in the same way but is in a location that is less likely to be deleted accidentally. Packaging a Pylons Project for Distribution =========================================== .. index :: single: overview of; SimpleSite application Now that you know how to customize ````, let’s look at how to package the SimpleSite application. Pylons applications are designed to be distributed as ``.egg`` files. This is the same format that Pylons itself and all its dependencies are distributed in. You’ll remember from Chapter 2 that applications distributed as eggs can be installed with Easy Install. This means that if your Pylons application is published on the Python Package Index, other users will be able to install it with Easy Install too. Let’s start by looking at how to build an egg. Building an Egg File -------------------- .. index :: single: egg file, building:beg; SimpleSite application The first step of building an egg is to remove any unnecessary files that you don’t want packaged. In this case, this includes any of the YUI library files the application is not using. By looking at Firebug’s Net tab when using the application, you can see that only the following files are being used: * ``/css/main.css`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/animation/animation-min.js`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/assets/skins/sam/blankimage.png`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/assets/skins/sam/editor-sprite.gif`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/assets/skins/sam/editor-sprite-active.gif`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/assets/skins/sam/skin.css`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/assets/skins/sam/sprite.png`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/connection/connection-min.js`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/container/container_core-min.js`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/editor/simpleeditor-min.js`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/element/element-beta-min.js`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/json/json-min.js`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css`` * ``/yui/2.6.0/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js`` You should remove all the other files from your project’s ``public`` directory. Also, because YUI is licensed under a separate license, you should also add the text of the license to ``/yui/2.6.0/LICENSE.txt``. Then you are ready to build the egg. You can do so with this command: :: $ python bdist_egg If everything goes smoothly, an ``.egg`` file with the correct name and version number appears in a newly created ``dist`` directory. The ``.egg`` file contains everything anyone needs to run your program. You should probably make eggs for each version of Python your users might require by running the previous command with Python 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 to create each version of the egg. At this point, your work as a developer is done. The finished and packaged egg file is now produced and ready to be distributed or deployed. If you emailed the egg to a colleague, they could now install it into their own virtual Python environment just like this: :: $ easy_install SimpleSite-0.3.0-py2.5.egg .. index :: single: egg file, building:end; SimpleSite application You’ll learn about how you can deploy eggs like this one in production environments in Chapter 21, but for now let’s look at how you can publish eggs on the Python Package Index to make it even easier to share them with the wider Python community. Publishing an Egg on the Python Package Index --------------------------------------------- .. index :: single: egg file, publishing in PyPI:beg; SimpleSite application Now that you have successfully created eggs for your application, you can register them on the Python Package Index at Do this by running the following command. *Please do this only with your own projects, though, because SimpleSite has already been registered!* .. index :: single: register command When you run the command, some processing is done on the project, and then you are given some choices of how to proceed. Here I’m using my existing login details, but you can choose option ``2.`` to register a new account with the system: :: $ python register running register ... some lines omitted ... We need to know who you are, so please choose either: 1. use your existing login, 2. register as a new user, 3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or 4. quit Your selection [default 1]: 1 Username: thejimmyg Password: Server response (200): OK I can store your PyPI login so future submissions will be faster. (the login will be stored in /home/james/.pypirc) Save your login (y/N)?y The program then asks you whether you want it to save your login details. When I ran the previous example to register SimpleSite, I chose to save them because I knew I’d want to upload the egg files automatically too. This option saved me from having to enter my details again. .. caution :: The Python Package Index authentication is very weak, and passwords are transmitted in plain text. Don’t use any sign-in details that you use for important applications because they could be easily intercepted. .. index :: single: SimpleSite on; Python Package Index (PyPI) If you visit, you’ll see the page that was created by the previous command. It was also shown a few pages ago in Figure 19-7. You’ll also notice that new projects appear at the top of the list of recent projects on the Python Package Index home page, as shown in Figure 19-8. .. figure :: 9349f1908.png :target: _images/9349f1908.png :scale: 70 :alt: Figure 19-8. The SimpleSite project on the Python Package Index Figure 19-8. The SimpleSite project on the Python Package Index .. index :: single: to PyPI; signing in You can now sign in to the Python Package Index with the account details you used when you registered your application and upload the eggs you’ve created, or if you prefer, you can even have Python do it for you; just enter this command for each version of Python supported to upload the eggs for you: :: $ python2.4 bdist_egg register upload $ python2.5 bdist_egg register upload If you didn’t allow the ``register`` command to create a ``.pypirc`` file in your home directory for you, you’ll need to create one yourself. It should contain your username and password so that the ``upload`` command knows who to sign in as, and it should look similar to this: :: [server-login] username: james password: password This works on Windows too, but you will need to set your ``HOME`` environment variable first. If your home directory is ``C:\Documents and Settings\James``, you would put your ``.pypirc`` file in that directory and set your ``HOME`` environment variable with this command: :: > SET HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\James You can now use ``python bdist_egg upload`` as normal. At this point, your project has been successfully published. Other Python users can now install it just by entering this command: :: $ easy_install SimpleSite .. index :: single: egg file, publishing in PyPI:end; SimpleSite application With the application successfully published, you might think your work is done, but actually, if you have a project you think would make a good starting point for other people’s projects, you can package it up as a project template. Let’s look at this next. Making SimpleSite into a Paste Project Template =============================================== .. index :: single: overview of:beg; SimpleSite application If you have a Pylons project you think would be useful to other people, it is possible to turn your Pylons *project* into a Paster *project template*, which can then be used to automatically generate a skeleton project based on SimpleSite by running this command: :: $ paster create --template=SimpleSite MyProject .. index :: single: creating:beg; listings To set this up for SimpleSite, you’ll need to create a new project called ``SimpleSiteTemplate``, which is just an empty ``setuptools``-enabled package (not a Pylons project this time). Run the following command, and enter the appropriate information when prompted: :: $ paster create SimpleSiteTemplate Selected and implied templates: PasteScript#basic_package A basic setuptools-enabled package Variables: egg: SimpleSiteTemplate package: simplesitetemplate project: SimpleSiteTemplate Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['']: 0.1 Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: A Paste Templatewhich allows you to create a new Pylons project based on the SimpleSite tutorial described in the Pylons Book Enter long_description (Multi-line description (in reST)) ['']: Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']: Pylons Paste Template SimpleSite Simple Site Website Enter author (Author name) ['']: James Gardner Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']: Enter license_name (License name) ['']: BSD Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]: Creating template basic_package Creating directory ./SimpleSiteTemplate Recursing into +package+ Creating ./SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate/ Copying to ./SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate/ Copying setup.cfg to ./SimpleSiteTemplate/setup.cfg Copying setup.py_tmpl to ./SimpleSiteTemplate/ Running /Users/james/devenv/bin/python egg_info .. index :: single: creating:end; listings This creates a skeleton package with a simple ```` file built with the settings you entered at the command prompt. You need a submodule to store the template files that will be used to as a basis for building the Pylons projects. Create a ``template`` directory within the ``SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate`` directory. Next, copy every file and folder underneath the top-level SimpleSite directory into the ``SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate/template`` directory. :: $ cd SimpleSiteProject/simplesiteproject/template $ cp -pr /path/to/SimpleSite/* ./ You don’t need the ``data`` directory, though, because Pylons re-creates this as it is needed based on the settings in the config file of the Pylons package the user eventually creates. You don’t need the ``dist`` or ``build`` directories either because they will get created automatically too if they are needed, and you don’t need any of the ``.pyc`` files or any of the files in ``SimpleSite.egg-info`` because they are all re-created by Paste when a user creates a project from the template. You should also remove any development database files you might have used such as the ``development.db`` file because users of your template will create their own database and are unlikely to want your existing content. One command you can use to delete all ``.pyc`` files (tested on Mac OS X Leopard) is as follows: :: $ find . | grep .pyc | xargs rm Once you have finished, the ``SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate`` directory should look like this: :: $ ls docs simplesite README.txt test.ini SimpleSite.egg-info setup.cfg development.ini Next, you’ll need to customize the SimpleSiteProject ```` file so that Paste is automatically installed if a user tries to use the project template (this is not the ```` file you copied into the ``template`` directory): :: install_requires = [ "Paste>=1.7", ], At this point, you are ready to start implementing the template part. First, you need to implement the plug-in class, which Paste will use to determine how to create the template. It is very simple. Add this to the ``SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate/`` file: :: from paste.script.templates import BasicPackage class SimpleSitePackage(BasicPackage): _template_dir = 'template' summary = "A Pylons template to create a simple, user-editable website" egg_plugins = ['PasteScript', 'Pylons'] The ``_template_dir`` variable specifies the directory that contains the template files, relative to the Python module the ``BasicPackage`` class is defined in (in this case the ```` file). The ``summary`` variable contains the text that is displayed when a user runs the command ``paster create --list-templates``. Next you need to use egg entry points so that the ``paster template`` program can find your new template. Edit the SimpleSiteProject ```` file again to update the ``entry_points`` argument to the ``setup()`` function, to look like this: :: entry_points=""" # -*- Entry points: -*- [paste.paster_create_template] simplesite=simplesitetemplate:SimpleSitePackage """, The entry point name will be used as the name of the plug-in, which in this case is ``simplesite``. The second part points to the class that Paste will use to create the file structure for the new project. In this case, it is the ``SimpleSitePackage`` class you’ve just created in ``simplesitetemplate/``. At this point, everything is set up and ready to test. Install the package in development mode with the following: :: $ python develop .. index :: single: using:beg; listings You can try to create a sample project somewhere, but there will be some problems: :: $ cd /path/to/create/new/project $ paster create --template simplesite MyProject simplesite MyProject Selected and implied templates: SimpleSiteTemplate#simplesite A Pylons template to create a simple, user-editable website Variables: egg: MyProject package: myproject project: MyProject Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['']: Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: Enter long_description (Multi-line description (in reST)) ['']: Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']: Enter author (Author name) ['']: Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']: Enter license_name (License name) ['']: Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]: Creating template simplesite Creating directory ./MyProject Copying to ./MyProject/ Copying README.txt to ./MyProject/README.txt Recursing into SimpleSite.egg-info ... Copying to ./MyProject/simplesite/tests/ Copying to ./MyProject/simplesite/ Copying test.ini to ./MyProject/test.ini Running /Users/james/devenv/bin/python egg_info Traceback (most recent call last): ... IOError: No egg-info directory found ... .. index :: single: using:end; listings The command created a ``SimpleSite.egg-info`` directory, not a ``MyProject.egg-info`` directory, so when the command to set up the ``egg-info`` directory was run, it failed. You’ll need to fix that and also change the files and directories in the ``template`` directory so that they use variable names that Paste can replace when it creates the template. .. index :: single: overview of:end; SimpleSite application It would also be nice if the ``paster create`` script prompted you for a SQLAlchemy URL so that no manual editing of the ``development.ini`` file was necessary. You’ll learn how do each of these things in the next sections. Introducing Project Template Variables -------------------------------------- .. index :: single: variables:beg; SimpleSite application Classes derived from ``BasicPackage`` like the ``SimpleSitePackage`` class you just created can take a ``vars`` member variable. This allows you to ask extra questions just before the project is generated. The answers to those questions can then be assigned to variable names you specify, and those variable names can be used in the filenames, directory names, and file content, and they will be substituted for the options chosen on the command line when someone creates a project using the project template. As you saw in the previous section, the ``BasicPackage`` class already asks the person creating a project a number of questions, and it assigns the answers of these questions to the following variables: :: version description long_description keywords author author_email url license_name zip_safe If you look at the output when you run the command, you’ll see these variable names in part of the question. For example ``author_email`` in the line below: :: Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: Let’s modify ``SimpleSitePackage`` to also ask for a value for ``sqlalchemy_url``. Update the ``simplesitetemplate/`` file to look like this: :: from paste.script.templates import BasicPackage, var class SimpleSitePackage(BasicPackage): _template_dir = 'template' summary = "A Pylons template to create a simple, user-editable website" egg_plugins = ['PasteScript', 'Pylons'] vars = [ var('sqlalchemy_url', 'The SQLAlchemy URL to the database to use', default='sqlite:///%(here)s/develpment.db'), ] If you run the command again, you’ll now be prompted for a SQLAlchemy URL, and if you don’t provide one, a default of ``sqlite:///%(here)s/develpment.db`` will be used. :: Enter sqlalchemy_url (The SQLAlchemy URL to the database to use) ['sqlite://%(here)s/develpment.db']: .. tip :: There are some other options too, but you won’t use them in this example. If you want to set up a more complex ``BasicPackage`` plug-in, you should have a look at the source code at the following location to understand how everything works: Using Project Template Variables -------------------------------- Now that the ``paster create`` script is correctly prompting the user for all the information you need, it is time to update the files and directories in ``simplesitetemplate/template`` to use these variables. In addition to the variables described so far, Paste sets up three more variables for you. If you look at the output from running the ``paster create --template=simplesite MyProject`` command from the previous section, you’ll see them listed near the top: :: Variables: egg: MyProject package: myproject project: MyProject The ``egg``, ``package``, and ``project`` variables represent the name used in the egg file, the Python name of the package, and the project name (which is the name that would be used if you published the package on the Python Package Index), respectively. Now that the variables have values assigned to them, you can begin using them in the files and directories in the ``template`` directory. Variables can be used in filenames, in directory names, and in the source code itself, but there are a few rules to follow: * When a variable is used in a directory name or filename, it must have ``+`` characters on either side. For example: :: +egg+.egg_info * Variables within files should be wrapped in ``{{`` and ``}}`` characters. For example: :: import {{package}}.lib.base * Any file that contains variables should be renamed so that its file extension ends in ``_tmpl``. So, ``foo.ini`` would become ``foo.ini_tmpl``, and ``foo`` would become ``foo_tmpl``. In fact, you can perform more complex operations too. The ``paster create template`` script understands a very simple template language called Tempita documented at, so you can use any constructs supported by Tempita. Now that you know the rules, let’s go through and update the files, directories, and code in ``simplesitetemplate/template`` to use the variables you now have access too, starting by renaming the ``SimpleSite.egg-info`` and ``simplesite`` directories: :: $ cd SimpleSiteTemplate/simplesitetemplate/template $ rm -r SimpleSite.egg-info $ mkdir +egg+.egginfo $ mv simplesite +package+ You can delete the ``+package+/controllers/`` file you used as a template for other controllers in Chapter 14. Now let’s get a list of all the files that contain the word ``SimpleSite`` or ``simplesite``, because you’ll need to update them: :: $ egrep -rl '(simplesite|SimpleSite)' . | grep -v ".pyc" ./+package+/config/deployment.ini_tmpl ./+package+/config/ ./+package+/config/ ./+package+/config/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/controllers/ ./+package+/lib/ ./+package+/lib/ ./+package+/model/ ./+package+/public/yui/2.6.0/LICENSE.txt ./+package+/templates/base/index.html ./+package+/templates/component/navigation.html ./+package+/tests/functional/ ./+package+/tests/functional/ ./+package+/tests/functional/ ./+package+/ ./ ./README.txt ./development.ini ./docs/index.txt ./setup.cfg ./ ./test.ini Rename each of these files so that they all have ``_tmpl`` added to the end of the filename. The ``config/deployment.ini_tmpl`` will need the extension too so will end up as ``config/deployment.ini_tmpl_tmpl``. If you don’t want to do this manually and are comfortable with a single command that will do this for you in a Bash shell, you could try the following one. The command should be entered on one line, and you are advised to back up your files first in case it behaves slightly differently or your platform: :: $ for f in `egrep -rl '(simplesite|SimpleSite)' . | grep -v .pyc `; do mv "$f" "`echo $f`_tmpl"; done Once the files are renamed, you’ll need to update the contents of the files. The majority of the work is changing the text ``SimpleSite`` and ``simplesite``, so let’s do that first: :: $ grep -rl simplesite . | xargs perl -pi -w -e 's/simplesite/{{package}}/g;' $ grep -rl SimpleSite . | xargs perl -pi -w -e 's/SimpleSite/{{project}}/g;' You also need to use the ``sqlalchemy_url`` variable the user has specified to fill in the value of the ``sqlalchemy.url`` option in ``development.ini``. Update ``development.ini_tmpl`` so that the ``sqlalchemy.url`` option looks like this: :: sqlalchemy.url = {{sqlalchemy_url}} .. note :: You might be tempted to think that it would be a good idea to use the ``sqlalchemy_url`` variable in the ``config/deployment.ini_tmpl_tmpl`` file too, but just because users of your application are using a particular SQLAlchemy URL for their development doesn’t mean they will use the same in production. You should also ensure that none of the files you are about to package contain any usernames, passwords or any other information you don't want distributed. In particular you should check the ``development.ini`` and ``test.ini`` files. Now that everything is set up correctly, let’s give the new template a test run. First let’s check that the template has been found: :: $ paster create --list-templates Available templates: authenticate_plugin: An AuthKit authenticate middleware plugin basic_package: A basic setuptools-enabled package paste_deploy: A web application deployed through paste.deploy pylons: Pylons application template pylons_minimal: Pylons minimal application template simplesite: A Pylons template to create a simple, user-editable website The ``simplesite`` project template is correctly listed, so let’s try to create the ``MyProject`` application again. Remove the old ``MyProject`` directory if you tried to create the project earlier in the chapter, and then run the following command: :: $ paster create --template=simplesite MyProject If everything worked correctly, you can now test the application: :: $ cd MyProject $ python develop $ paster setup-app development.ini $ paster serve --reload development.ini .. index :: single: variables:end; SimpleSite application If you visit http://localhost:5000, you will see the new project correctly serving pages. You’ve successfully created a new project with the same functionality as SimpleSite with just a few commands. At this point, you are ready to start customizing the MyProject application for your own requirements and needs. Completing the Cycle -------------------- .. index :: single: beg; SimpleSite application If you’ve been following along with the tutorial chapters of the book, you’ll actually have achieved something quite remarkable by this point. You’ll have created a useful product and packaged it up in such a way that other developers can use it as a project template for their own projects without having to re-solve all the problems you’ve already solved. To complete the cycle, I'd like to show you how I packaged up and released the SimpleSiteTemplate on the Python Package Index so that other developers can use it as a basis for their projects. First I edited ``setup.cfg`` to comment out the ``tag_build`` and ``tag_svn_revision`` options. Then I created a ```` file. This tells Python which files need to be included in the package. It looks like this and includes all the files in the ``template`` directory: :: recursive-include simplesitetemplate/template * Finally, I ran this command to create and upload the package: :: $ python bdist_egg sdist register upload Now any user can create a Pylons project based on SimpleSite, just by entering the following commands: :: $ easy_install SimpleSiteTemplate $ paster create --template=simplesite MyProject .. index :: single: end; SimpleSite application I hope you consider packaging any projects you frequently use as a basis for your own projects into Paste Templates in a similar way so that other people can use them as starting points. In this way, members of the Pylons community can quickly and easily build on the success of other Pylons users’ projects. Summary ======= You learned a lot in this chapter, from adding authentication and authorization facilities to SimpleSite to customizing Pylons’ error pages. You also saw how to add metadata to projects and how the egg format and Pylons metadata integrate with the Python Package Index so that you can easily publish projects online and automatically create a page containing basic information. You also saw what a project template really is, and you turned the SimpleSite application into a reusable project template so that other people can use it as a basis for their own projects. That’s the end of the SimpleSite tutorial, but I hope many of the techniques and tools you’ve used to create the SimpleSite application will be useful in your own applications. If you are building a wiki, you might even be able to use the project template as a starting point for your code. .. index :: single: end; Chap 19-SimpleSite Tutorial Part 3 In the next chapter, you’ll look at Pylons’ logging support before moving on to see how to deploy Pylons applications in production environments.